Hand Hygiene


Course Duration: 25 mins
Accessible for: 31 days

Within this course you will learn what hand hygiene is, how infections spread, and the importance of washing your hands to prevent the spread of infection. You will learn how to effectively clean your hands using alcohol-based rub and soap and water techniques. Lastly, you will identify when to routinely wash your hands during the day and when supporting participants.


After this lesson you will be able to:

  1. Understand what hand hygiene is and how it can prevent the spread of infection.
  2. Identify two ways to effectively wash your hands using alcohol-based rub or soap and water.
  3.  Understand when hand washing is required and identify the 5 key moments for hand hygiene when supporting a participant.

Additional information

  • E-learn (25 min)
  • Assessment (10 questions)
  • 3 resources:
    • How to Handrub Poster
    • How to Handwash Poster
    • When to Wash Your Hands
  • Certificate of completion


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