Professional Boundaries


Course Duration: 27 mins
Accessible for: 31 days

Number of seats:

This course explores the simple but complicated nature of creating and keeping professional boundaries. Creating professional boundaries is very important in the role of a Disability Support Professional as the participant can often perceive the paid worker as a friend. This course will help you understand why professional boundaries are necessary, the risks associated with boundary crossings or violations, and how to recognise early warning signs of boundary issues.


After this lesson you will be able to:

  1. Describe how boundaries are used for personal and professional relationships
  2. explain how to create strong professional boundaries.
  3. Identify the risks of boundary crossings and / or boundary violations.
  4. recognise the early warning signs of boundary issues.
  5. Put what you have learnt into practice and create strong professional boundaries with your participants.

Additional information

  • E-learn (27min)
  • Assessment (10 questions)
  • 1 resources:
    • Boundary Crossings Poster
  • Certificate of completion


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