Mealtime and Dysphagia Management

(1 customer review)


Course Duration: 52 mins
Accessible for: 31 days

Number of seats:

In this course you will learn why mealtime management is important for participants who experience difficulty swallowing. You will learn about the NDIS Mealtime Management Practice Standard and Quality Indicators. The course will give you a sound understanding of how this practice standard impacts your role and responsibilities as a Disability Support Professional providing mealtime support. You will learn how a mealtime management plan is developed and how you can implement a participant’s mealtime management plan to support safe and enjoyable mealtimes.


After this lesson you will be able to:

  1. Understand mealtime management
  2. Understand the NDIS Practice Standard for Mealtime Management
  3. Identify Dysphagia and associated risks
  4. Provide mealtime support to participants
  5. Proactively manage risks and mealtime difficulties

Additional information

  • E-learn (52min)
  • Assessment (10 questions)
  • 7 resources:
    • Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
    • Complete IDDSI Framework
    • Sample Mealtime Management Plan
    • Fact Sheet: Choking Adult
    • IDDSI Consumer Handouts
    • Mealtime Management Responsibilities Checklist
    • NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators
  • Certificate of completion

1 review for Mealtime and Dysphagia Management

  1. Anika

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