Personal Care and Grooming Part 2


Course Duration: 23 mins
Accessible for: 31 days

Number of seats:

SKU: 11294-1 Categories: , Tag:

Throughout this course you will increase your knowledge and skills in the critical Personal Care and grooming activities that are often conducted by a Disability Support Professional. These activities include bathing and showering for females, bathing and showering for males, dental hygiene, foot and nail care, shaving and personal grooming.


After this lesson you will be able to:

  1. State the steps you are required to take to effectively bath and shower a female participant and a male participant.
  2. Describe what good dental hygiene involves.
  3. Communicate what good foot and nail care looks like for a participant.
  4. Recall what hair care and shaving factors you need to consider when helping your participants.
  5. Effectively support your participants with their Personal Care and Grooming needs.

Additional information

  • E-learn (23min)
  • Assessment (10 questions)
  • 1 resources:
    • Personal Care Checklist
  • Certificate of completion


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