
A Call for Feedback on the Draft National Autism Strategy

📣 Calling all people with living experience, families, carers and supporters.

🧩 The Australian Government has officially unveiled the Draft version of the National Autism Strategy.

This comprehensive document outlines proposed measures to better support Autistic people throughout various stages of life. Seeking to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness, the government actively seeks public input until May 31st.

Your perspectives and insights are crucial in shaping this strategy to adequately address the diverse needs of autistic individuals across the lifespan.

Accessible versions of the draft strategy, including an Easy Read format, can be accessed via the DSS Website.

To contribute your thoughts and feedback, you can either send an email or participate in a survey that can be accessed via the Developing the National Autism Strategy Page. 

The final version of the strategy is due for release later in 2024, with the collective input of stakeholders playing a pivotal role in its development.

Please provide your feedback today!


Written by Amanda Robinson, B.A., MMentalHealth Prac.

Amanda is a professional with over a decade of dedicated experience in the fields of Mental Health and Disability. Her extensive expertise lies in navigating the intricate landscape of the Disability Sector. She brings a unique perspective to her work, being both a person with lived experience of disability and a compassionate carer. She has a passion for advocacy, making her a staunch champion for the rights and well-being of individuals facing similar challenges.

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