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Key Changes for Providers of Group or Centre-based Social and Community Participation Supports from Jan 1st 2024

Key Changes for Providers of Group or Centre-based Social and Community Participation Supports from Jan 1st 2024

The NDIA has changed how providers claim for supports delivered in a group. You may already be aware, but in case you missed it… From 1 January 2024, all providers will need to change how they claim these supports from a participant’s plan. The new pricing for group and centre-based activities allows providers to claim for the actual cost of the supports provided to a participant, as well as the time spent preparing for activities. If the support is delivered at a centre, providers can also claim costs to run this facility.

What does this mean for providers? 

In the new pricing arrangement, the costs are agreed and claimed individually. This means that the cost of support will reflect a participant’s individual support needs.  

The different costs are: 

  • Direct support costs are for the time that a participant attends the group or centre-based support. This will be worked out based on how many people are in the group. 
  • Non-face-to-face costs are for the things a provider does in the absence of a participant to make sure the participant can join in. They should be specific to each participant and reflect the support they need. Non-face-to-face costs are not for general business tasks like preparing service agreements or invoices, or rostering staff. Supports and their cost must be agreed with the Participant in advance.
  • Centre capital costs contribute to the cost of running and maintaining a centre. 

There might be other costs related to a participant’s support, like activity-based transport or provider travel. The way those costs are worked out isn’t changing. However, where they are based on direct support costs, a provider may need to adjust them to use the line items in the new pricing arrangement. 

Programs of Support 

Programs of support are an option, to organise and agree to a participant’s group or centre-based supports. They map out the costs of participant support for the length of a program, up to a maximum of 6 months. Once agreed to, the costs for the participant’s program will not change. Programs of support may not be appropriate for every participant, and they are not mandatory. 

What happens next? 

Any changes that are suggested, must follow the new pricing arrangement which is available at this link: NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits

There are some great resources to help answer some questions that you may have.

The Group-Based Supports Transition Guide will provide some detailed guidance for providers.

You can also visit the NDIS website for more information:


Written by Amanda Robinson, B.A., MMentalHealth Prac.

Amanda is a professional with over a decade of dedicated experience in the fields of Mental Health and Disability. Her extensive expertise lies in navigating the intricate landscape of the Disability Sector. She briangs a unique perspective to her work, being both a person with lived experience of disability and a compassionate carer. She has a passion for advocacy, making her a staunch champion for the rights and well-being of individuals facing similar challenges.

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