Workplace Bullying and Harassment


Course Duration: 26 mins
Accessible for: 31 days

In this course, you will learn what workplace bullying and harassment is and how to identify behaviours that reasonably constitute bullying and harassment. We will go through what sexual harassment is, what this can look like in the workplace, and the impact on individuals, work, and organisations. You’ll learn how bullying can start, how to recognise factors that can promote a culture of bullying, and how to identify signs of bullying within your workplace. Lastly, you’ll learn how to respond to and report any incidents of bullying and harassment, the steps involved in investigating allegations, and sources of support when making a report.


After this lesson you will be able to:

1. Explain what workplace bullying and harassment is, and know what behaviours to look out for.
2. Describe what sexual harassment is and its impact on individuals and organisations.
3. Identify how bullying starts, signs it is occurring, and factors that promote these behaviours.
4. Respond to and report bullying and harassment in line with your organisation’s policies and procedures.

Additional information

  • E-learn (40min)
  • Assessment (10 questions)
  • 5 resources:
    • Ask Yourself
    • Bullying Behaviours
    • Emergency Numbers
    • Signs of Bullying
    • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  • Certificate of completion


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